Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to Synaptique!

The website located at is owned and operated by Synaptique . In this Privacy Policy, any reference to “User,” “You,” and “Your” pertains to the visitors or users accessing the Website.

Synaptique is the data controller for your personal data, and our registered address is (N° 3, Rue Hounaine Appartement n°2 Agdal 10080– RABAT – Morocco). You can contact us via mail at our business address or by email at

We prioritize the protection of your privacy and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your personal data. This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the personal data we collect, how we use it, the duration of retention, the lawful basis for processing, and the parties with whom we may share your personal data. Please take the time to review this Privacy Policy before using our Website or providing any personal data. If you do not agree with our privacy practices, kindly refrain from accessing our Website and providing personal data.

Your continued use of the Website indicates your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.


In our Privacy Policy, we aim to ensure clarity by defining essential terms related to data processing:

  • Controller:
    • The “Controller” refers to the natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body that, either alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.
  • Processor:
    • The “Processor” denotes a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
  • Personal Data:
    • “Personal Data” encompasses any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. Identifiable individuals are those who can be recognized directly or indirectly through identifiers like names, identification numbers, or other factors.
  • Processing:
    • “Processing” includes any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, whether manually or by automated means.

Information We Collect 

In line with the practices of our industry peers, Synaptique is dedicated to ensuring transparency regarding the data we collect and the purposes behind such collection. Our approach is structured as follows:

  • Data Collection When Contacting Us/Inquiries:

We collect personal data, including full names, email addresses, phone numbers, company names, and inquiry content when users contact us. This data is utilized to respond to inquiries and for subsequent communications.

  • Data collection for Mailing List Subscription:

When users subscribe to our mailing list, we request names and email addresses. This information is used explicitly for sending marketing material, with the lawful basis for processing being the user’s express consent.

  • Data Collection from Website Usage:

Various data, including IP addresses, geographical locations, device details, browser types, and usage patterns, is collected through cookies, pixels, and tracking technologies during website visits. The lawful basis for processing such data is our legitimate interest.

  • Cookies Usage:

Synaptique employs cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance user experience and improve our services. Cookies are small files stored on users’ devices, providing information such as IP addresses, browser types, and page visits. Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings, although refusing cookies may impact certain functionalities.

  • Other Processing Reasons:

Additionally, we may process personal data for business analytics, compliance fulfillment, informing users of policy updates, and marketing services. These activities contribute to enhancing user experience and maintaining regulatory compliance.

How We Use Your Information

Synaptique is dedicated to utilizing the data collected in a manner that aligns with industry best practices and user expectations. The data collected from our users is employed for the following purposes:

  • Service Provision and Maintenance:
    • The primary purpose of data utilization is to provide and maintain our services effectively. This involves ensuring the seamless functioning of our platforms and offerings.
  • Communication of Changes:
    • Users will be notified about any changes to our services, policies, or other relevant aspects that may impact their experience on our platforms.
  • Participation in Interactive Features:
    • Users opting to engage in interactive features offered by Synaptique will have their data used to facilitate these activities, providing a more personalized and engaging experience.
  • Customer Support:
    • Data may be utilized to provide timely and effective customer support, addressing inquiries, concerns, or feedback from our users.
  • Analysis for Service Improvement:
    • Collected data is subject to analysis to derive valuable insights that contribute to the continuous improvement of our services, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of our users.
  • Usage Monitoring:
    • We monitor the usage patterns of our services, allowing us to better understand how users interact with our platforms and make informed decisions regarding enhancements.
  • Technical Issue Resolution:
    • Data is employed to detect, prevent, and address technical issues promptly, ensuring the uninterrupted and secure operation of our services.
  • Information Sharing (Optional):
    • Users may receive news, special offers, and general information about goods, services, and events similar to those they have engaged with, unless they choose not to receive such information.

Data retention 

At Synaptique, we adhere to stringent data retention principles, ensuring that Personal Data is retained only for the duration required to achieve the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Our data retention practices are as follows:

  • Legal Compliance:
    • We will retain and use Personal Data to comply with our legal obligations. If required by applicable laws, we may retain data to resolve disputes and enforce legal agreements and policies.
  • Internal Analysis (Usage Data):
    • Usage Data may be retained for internal analysis purposes. This information is generally held for a shorter duration, unless its retention is deemed necessary to enhance security, improve service functionality, or fulfill legal obligations.
  • Security and Functional Improvement:
    • In instances where Usage Data contributes to strengthening the security or enhancing the functionality of our services, we may retain such data for an extended period. This ensures the ongoing optimization and security of our platforms.
  • Legal Obligations:
    • In cases where legal obligations necessitate the retention of data for extended periods, we will adhere to these requirements to ensure compliance with the law.

Service providers

At Synaptique, we leverage the expertise of third-party service providers to enhance our service delivery, improve user experience, and analyze service usage. The principles governing our engagement with service providers are as follows:

  • Service Provision:
    • Third-party service providers are engaged to facilitate the provision of our services, perform service-related functions, and contribute valuable insights into the usage patterns of our platform.
  • Limited Data Access:
    • Service providers have access to Personal Data solely for the purpose of performing designated tasks on our behalf. They are contractually obligated not to disclose or utilize the data for any other purpose.
  • Analytics Services:
    • To monitor and analyze the use of our services, we may utilize third-party analytics services. This includes tools like Google Analytics, which track and report website traffic. Users have the option to opt-out of sharing their activity with Google Analytics through browser add-ons.
  • Remarketing Services:
    • For advertising purposes, we may engage in remarketing services provided by platforms such as Google AdWords and Facebook. Users can customize their ad preferences through respective platform settings.
  • Social Media Integration:
    • Our website may integrate with social media platforms like Facebook for marketing and analytics purposes. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of these platforms to understand how their data is processed.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies:
    • Our website employs cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance user identification and experience. We use tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel, each serving specific analytical purposes. Users can manage cookie preferences through browser settings or decline cookies via the website’s cookie banner.

By engaging with third-party service providers, Synaptique ensures the continuous improvement of its services while prioritizing user privacy and data security

Data Disclosure

Consistent with the privacy practices of Latro Services, Synaptique is committed to safeguarding your personal data and ensuring responsible disclosure. We adhere to strict principles that prioritize your privacy rights and limit the sharing of personal data. Our data disclosure practices are outlined below:

  • Email Distribution Tools:
    • We utilize third-party email distribution tools such as “Mailjet” to send communications to you. Personal data is stored on Mailjet, a data processor compliant with EU GDPR regulations. Mailjet processes personal data solely for the purpose of delivering its services to Synaptique.
  • Customer Relationship Management Tools:
    • To manage leads, inquiries, and customer data, we leverage third-party Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like “Pipedrive.” Pipedrive, a data processor, ensures the secure storage and processing of personal data in compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.
  • Online Chat/Support Tools:
    • Our website integrates third-party online chat tool “Olark” to facilitate direct communication with users. Olark, a data processor compliant with EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, stores and processes personal data exclusively for the purpose of providing chat services on behalf of Synaptique.
  • Employee Access:
    • Limited access to your personal data is granted to our employees strictly within the scope of their duties. Our employees adhere to confidentiality protocols to ensure the secure handling of personal data.
  • Service Providers:
    • In fulfilling our business operations, we may disclose personal data to Service Providers, including hosting service providers, independent contractors, and marketing/customer support service providers. These entities are bound by confidentiality agreements, preventing the sharing of personal data with any unauthorized third parties.
  • Merger or Acquisition:
    • In the event of a merger or acquisition, your personal data, including user accounts, may be transferred as part of our assets to the new entity. This transfer will not compromise your privacy rights outlined in this Privacy Policy.
  • Compliance Obligations:
    • Synaptique may disclose personal data to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. This includes sharing data with government authorities, law enforcement bodies, or courts of law when required by a subpoena or other legitimate government agencies.

At Synaptique, data disclosure is conducted responsibly and in accordance with established privacy standards, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your personal information.

Data Security

We take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include:

  • Secure Data Storage: Your information is stored on secure servers and databases.
  • Access Controls: We restrict access to your information to authorized personnel who have a legitimate need to access it.
  • Data Encryption: Sensitive information is transmitted using encryption technologies.

Data Rights

Synaptique is dedicated to upholding your rights regarding personal data. We acknowledge the importance of your ability to control and manage your information. Similar to AB Handshake, we provide transparency and mechanisms for you to exercise your data rights:

  • Access and Correction:
    • You have the right to access and rectify inaccuracies in your Personal Data. Where possible, you can directly update your information through your account settings. If you encounter any difficulties, please reach out to us, and we will assist in making the necessary changes.
  • Information Removal:
    • In the event you wish to be informed about the Personal Data we hold and request its removal from our systems, you can contact us. We will promptly respond to such requests, ensuring that your data is handled in accordance with privacy regulations.
  • Rectification of Inaccurate Data:
    • If you believe that any Personal Data we hold about you is inaccurate, you have the right to request its correction. We are committed to maintaining accurate records and promptly addressing any inaccuracies.
  • Deletion of Personal Data:
    • Under certain circumstances, you have the right to request the deletion of Personal Data we hold about you. Your request will be carefully considered, and if deemed appropriate and in compliance with legal obligations, the specified data will be deleted from our records.
  • Data Portability:
    • You have the right to data portability, allowing you to obtain a copy of your Personal Data in a commonly used electronic format. This facilitates better control over your information, and you can manage and move it as needed.
  • Identity Verification:
    • For security purposes, we may request verification of your identity before responding to certain data rights requests. This is to ensure that your personal information is handled securely and that access is granted only to authorized individuals.

Synaptique is committed to empowering users with control over their personal information. We encourage you to review and exercise your data rights to maintain accurate and secure records. If you have any inquiries or requests regarding your data rights, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Links to Third-Party Websites

Synaptique’s website may include links to websites owned and operated by third parties. Clicking on these links will redirect you to external websites. It’s important to note that these third-party sites have their own privacy policies. We strongly recommend reviewing their privacy policies before using their platforms.

Synaptique holds no responsibility for the content or practices of these third-party sites. Accessing any third-party website is undertaken at your own risk. We encourage you to exercise caution and familiarize yourself with the privacy practices of external sites to ensure a secure online experience.

Children’s Privacy at Synaptique

Synaptique’s services are not intended for individuals under the age of 13 (“Children”).

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has provided us with Personal Data, please get in touch with us. In the event that we discover we have unintentionally gathered Personal Data from children without verified parental consent, we will take prompt measures to delete that information from our servers.

Updates to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We encourage you to review this policy regularly to stay informed.

 Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at